Beyond Security’s MSP Vulnerability Scanner

Our MSP vulnerability scanner will deliver website scanning and network vulnerability assessment services to your customers using our easy to use MSP platform. Our focus: high accuracy, easy management, low cost and integration with your existing systems. With our SaaS platform, automation simplifies the scanning process with deployment that includes a range of servers, data centers, or an organization’s own network. Get all of the features and options with none of the complication, MSP’s find our vulnerability scanner easy and effective.

Test our managed security service platform today, and you’ll want to add website scanning and network vulnerability assessment to your service menu.

Why Would Managed Service Providers Choose a White Label Solution?

Beyond Security’s MSP White Label MSP Services have five benefits that a white labeled managed security service offers, augmented by two additional pieces of the cybersecurity puzzle:

1. Vulnerability Assessment 

White labeled vulnerability assessment services provide a way to test IT systems and find vulnerabilities before they become a security incident. Vulnerability assessments give an organization an in-depth view of where systems are most vulnerable to a cybersecurity attack. White label vulnerability assessments provide application testing tools including static application security testing (SAST), dynamic application security testing (DAST), and mobile application security testing (MAST). These specialist tools are used to look for security vulnerabilities across the entire organization’s IT resources, including mobile devices.

2. Compliance with Regulations 

Data protection and privacy regulations such as the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), and industry specific regulations such as PCI-DSS and HIPAA, are becoming increasingly stringent in an effort to tackle increased cyber-threats. White label managed security services can provide the experts needed to evaluate the compliance posture of an organization and determine the right tools to ensure regulatory compliance.

3. Full Branding, Marketing, and Sales Simplicity

Make your MSP unique and different from competitors. Easily promote and sell your brand with:

  • Easy account setup and maintenance
  • Services priced by number of IPs scanned each month
  • Low cost allows you to bundle scanning into any service plan
  • Full branding is available

4. Efficient Platform

  • Simple, automated platform sets up fast, requires little maintenance
  • Wide range of deployment options: We’ll host on our servers, run from your own data center or install fully managed VA/VM system in your customer’s network
  • Integrates with your billing, CRM and ticketing systems using APIs to automate deployment
  • Monitor and centrally manage your scanning services across all customers from a single interface
  • Deliver security services that are usually available only to the largest corporations
  • Step up to delivering Vulnerability Assessment and scanning services as anti-virus and firewalls become commodities with thin margins and declining effectiveness
  • Use differential reporting to document network changes and the appearance of new vulnerabilities in client networks or websites

5. Robust Integrations

Seamless integrations allow our vulnerability scanner to fit into your tech stack without any hassle. Some of the other features are flexibility, compliance adherence, and scalability.

  • Deploy VA/VM with no installation of clients required
  • Deliver network and website testing (including website security seals) from one control panel
  • New equipment, operating systems, ports and applications are automatically identified and tested
  • Scale from testing 1 IP or domain up to the largest, complex corporate network
  • Replace multiple security testing tools that produce conflicting reports and high false positives with one service that has the lowest false positive level in the industry
  • Scan time and bandwidth is completely controllable for the testing of production equipment without fear of reduced availability
  • Catch security problems as they occur instead of leaving holes open for months while waiting for the next annual or semi-annual penetration test.

Schedule a demo and see how easy it is to add
MSP scanning solutions to your services.